Mekong Delta of Vietnam Visible Through Book-Inspired Film
“Dat Rung Phuong Nam,” also known as “Song of the South,” is a film adaptation of the 1957 novel by Vietnamese author Doan Gioi. The storyline follows the exciting journey of a young boy named An during the French colonial era in the southern region of Vietnam after 1945. In the narrative, An’s mother tragically passes away during a violent assault, leaving the young boy without a home and causing him to embark on a journey through the Mekong Delta. Along the way, he relies on the compassion and generosity of local residents as he strives to reconnect with his estranged father. Official trailer of ‘Dat Rung Phuong Nam’ Director Nguyen Quang Dung’s highly anticipated 2023 film adaptation of the novel comes as a follow-up to the hugely successful television adaptation, Dat Phuong Nam, which premiered 26 years ago. Nguyen Vinh Son, who directed the critically acclaimed 1997 TV series, has joined our team as the esteemed movie advisor. A floating market in Mekong Delta region